Would You Volunteer Or Foster A Dog At Rescue Ranch?

Rescue Ranch has grown dramatically over the past two years and so has our need for volunteers. In rescue, “life and death” is not a euphemism. We save dog lives by taking them in, but that’s only the beginning. We also accept responsibility for their wellbeing, 24/7, until they’re adopted. The more dogs we have, the more people we need. Rescue Ranch is looking for dog-lovers to volunteer onsite or to foster a dog. We could really use your help right now.

Dramatic increase in Rescue Ranch numbers

When I arrived in the spring of 2021, the Adoption Center averaged 30- 35 dogs, with roughly the same number in foster. There was no Sanctuary at the time.

That fall, our numbers began to rise. The trend continued through 2022. At 526, our overall intakes were lower than the previous year, but it didn’t feel like it. We had more residents than ever and the number of dogs in need was up.  The catch was that adoptions were down. With dogs staying longer, we were forced to adjust intakes.

Even so, today, we’re averaging about 65 dogs at the Adoption Center and at the now operational Sanctuary, for a total of 130 dogs, or more, excluding fosters.

Additional residents require more kennel space, food, transport, medical treatment, and other material resources. They also require more people to feed, clean, drive, socialize, exercise, and love our dogs. We have limited staff and we’re low on volunteers.

Make a difference in a dog’s life



Rescue Ranch volunteers perform many vital tasks, such as transport and vet runs, kennel sanitation, dog walking, play group supervision, socialization, dish washing, laundry, and more.

Even if you’re not an experienced dog handler, you’ll have plenty to do at the Adoption Center or the Sanctuary. And there will be opportunities for you to acquire new skills if youré interested.

The work isn’t glamorous, but making a difference in a dog’s life is incredibly rewarding. Even if you can only give an hour at a time, or a couple of hours on weekends, you’ll be helping a lot.

Foster a dog

Fostering is a labor of love. Most dogs do well at Rescue Ranch, but there are those for whom a foster placement would make all the difference in the world. Examples of foster candidates include dogs who need human socialization or a break from the excitement of the shelter, special needs dogs, seniors, hospice cases, and recovering dogs. Also often in need of foster are pregnant dogs, mothers with puppies, and young puppies without moms.

If you can’t foster at home, why not consider day fostering? This involves spending regular, quality time with a specific Rescue Ranch dog. They go for walks, play, learn to ride in the car, take field trips. Day fostering does wonders. Dogs learn to trust, build self-confidence, reduce their stress levels, and have fun while acquiring socialization and other basic skills.

Rescue Ranch volunteers rock!