2 More Hurt Puppies Get Veterinary Help & A Second Chance At Rescue Ranch

In a recent article,  we told you about several puppies who had recently come to Rescue Ranch in need of veterinary help. It’s especially sad when youngsters arrive with debilitating […]

READ MORE about 2 More Hurt Puppies Get Veterinary Help & A Second Chance At Rescue Ranch

Dogs of the Week

Please meet our dogs of the week! Just click on a picture to find out more about each one!

Every week we feature two of the many wonderful dogs living here at Rescue Ranch and looking for a permanent home with a loving adopter.

Adopt Lava Fire Survivor rescue Dog Paws

Homes for Dogs

New claws growing in



Dog Care Services


Dog School

Things are always happening at Rescue Ranch - here's what's next:

Rescue Ranch_Logo_2021

Our Impact on Dog's Lives in 2022

Rescue Transport Assist
Fire Dogs