Young Rescue Dog Finds Love and 2 Siblings With Adoptive Family

With Valentine’s Day coming up, and in light of the 70+ puppies currently in our care, we’ve dubbed February 2024, “Puppy Love Month.” As covered in last week’s article, we’re overflowing with puppies and need more fosters. Too many youngsters are growing up in our care without the benefit of a real home experience. But in marking Puppy Love Month, we’d also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all of our existing Rescue Ranch fosters and adopters. While there are too many to enumerate here, our gratitude is boundless nonetheless. Last week, I caught up with one family who recently added a third young rescue dog to their household this past December.

When it’s a rescue dog, 3 is not a crowd

When Erin and David Swerda came to the Adoption Center over a year ago, it was to finalize the adoption of a black shepherd mix puppy they named Stella. That’s when they noticed Atlas, our husky amputee. The couple felt an immediate connection with him, and eventually fostered him. Atlas and Stella got along like gangbusters, and both quickly settled into their new home.  Atlas knew he had found his people. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before he went from “fostered” to “adopted.”  Click here to read the full story.

Fast forward a year, and I was back on the phone with Erin and David. This time to discuss the addition of Lu to the family. As we launched into our conversation, Lu shared his thoughts in the background with abandon. “He’s vocal,” said Erin. “I gathered!” I replied over the din. Our entire conversation was punctuated here and there by canine input from various sources.

The story was a familiar one: As with Atlas, they discovered Lu while visiting the Adoption Center on another matter. David noticed a mournful, handsome young husky/shepherd mix bemoaning his fate from his enclosure. Raised through our puppy program, Lu was adopted but had just been returned through no fault of his own. David says, “He was the saddest thing I ever saw.” Initially, Erin was occupied with a friend. “David just came up to me and said, ‘So, hey, I think I found our new foster.'” Needless to say, our tender-hearted couple couldn’t resist another rescue dog in need, and they decided to foster him.

Then, on December 23, 2023, they came in to sign Lu’s adoption papers (I sense a pattern). Atlas and Stella were along for the ride and happily greeted former caregivers. Soon, the family of five was heading home together, forever this time.

Atlas & Stella welcome Lu to the pack

Lu’s integration went smoothly. He’s an affectionate, energetic, and talkative cuddle-bug who just loves to be loved. Plus, he really enjoys playing tug of war! All three hang out or share toys without acrimony. Lu has found a special buddy in Stella—they’re inseparable. David and Erin described how Lu immediatey made himself at home, by climbing on the furniture. One of his cute quirks is that he likes to view the world from a perch, like a cat.  He often sits atop a kennel, on armrests, or along the back of the couch peering out the window.

As for our old friends, they’re thriving. Stella is a little more reserved than the others and the guardian of the pack. That being said, she remains just as playful and ball-driven as ever. For his part, Atlas has taken to his new life like a fish to water. He still loves his stuffies and revels in his daily brushings. While protective of Erin, he’s a social boy who loves being around people. “He follows me everywhere,” says Erin about her constant companion. The couple continues to keep a close eye on his old elbow injury, which still requires occasional treatment.

It all sounds kind of idylic. What is more, with all that young canine energy around the house, the adoptive siblings get several walks a day! I don’t know about you, but when it comes to loving homes, I think these pups have hit the jackpot!