At Rescue Ranch, we believe that all dogs deserve a chance to live out their best lives and we take them as they are. Most arrive reasonably healthy, although some might be undernourished, others frightened. They all get vetted and receive whatever care they need.
Sometimes their health issues are more serious: mangled limbs, infections, cancer, other life-threatening conditions. So, if medical treatment will cure them or improve their quality of life, we do everything we can to make it happen and turn to Kitu’s Fund to cover high-cost medical treatments.
This year, however, we’ve had so many dogs in need, that we’re now drawing on the General Fund to pay for high-cost vet bills. Rescue Ranch funded about 25 cases in the first three years of the Kitu’s Fund, but numbers have gone up dramatically since then: we’ve had 32 high-cost medical cases in 2023 alone. Expenses already exceed $29,000, and the year isn’t over. That’s why we’ve launched a special August campaign and appealing for donations to Kitu’s Fund (special campaign is over, but you can still donate to Kitu’s Fund!).
What is Kitu’s Fund?
Kitu’s Fund is a donations funded program that was originally seeded with a generous donation from the Arthur R. Dubs Foundation. It is named for a young husky named Kitu who was found in 2015 lying injured by the side of the road. His cheerful, can-do attitude inspired everyone around him. Eight years later, he’s still a happy, healthy boy.
The fund helps cover high-cost veterinary treatements. Most Kitu’s Fund cases are Ranch dogs, including many transfers from County Animal Control. But, because all dogs deserve to live their best lives, the fund also provides no-interest loans to community dog owners. Of the 32 dogs we’ve helped this year, 8 were community dogs.
Many Medical Cases Are Now Living Their Best Lives Thanks To Kitu’s Fund
Some dogs are obvious Kitu’s Fund cases. There’s Atlas, the lovely young husky who arrived in 2022 with a gangrenous leg. He’s now enjoying life with his new family.
Or Lady, the burn dog, who survived the 2021 Lava Fire and received weeks of specialized veterinary care. She found a home with the fire fighter who rescued her.
For others, the health issues are less visible. Despite her appearance, this delightful little black and tan mix named Athena had a defective heart. She was one year old in 2021 and had her whole life ahead of her. Without expensive heart surgery, she would only live a few months. Because we were able to help, she went on to a bright future!
In 2023, we’ve had broken bones from car collisions, a prolapsed uterus, infections, lumpectomies, deep lacerations, bowel obstructions, and the list goes on.
Remember Benny? After his transfer last spring we discovered a malignant tumor and had it removed. The cancer may come back, but for the time being his quality of life is excellent. All he needs now is a new long-term foster to give him a real home.
How about Zion’s near-fatal encounter with a simple thread? She recovered fully and found her very own person!
Miss Molly
Our latest medical case, and the “poster dog” for our August Fundraiser, is beautiful Miss Molly. This senior St. Bernard found a wonderful long-term foster home in early May but continued to suffer from constant ear infections and a fully blocked ear canal. We don’t know how long she lived with this painful condition before arriving at Rescue Ranch, but it may have been quite some time. The only remedy was a $4,500 surgery. We couldn’t let her down.
She underwent the procedure in July. Now, she can look forward to living out her golden years in comfort, surrounded by love, and pain free for the first time in a long while. Her foster family is simply besotted with her: “She is a true love for both of us,” says Rajiv.
Please Give To Kitu’s Fund
If you agree that dogs deserve to live their best lives, and if you have the means to help, please consider donating to our special Kitu’s Fund Campaign this August. Remember, this fund helps both rescue and community dogs in need. Any amount will be deeply appreciated. And please spread the word: share our social posts and tell your friends.