Rescue Puppies Need Your Help. Want To Become A Rescue Ranch Foster?

Rescue Ranch is experiencing a puppy boom and we need your help. If you’re looking for ways to support our mission, please consider fostering one or two older rescue puppies. When you do, you’ll  provide valuable socialization, have an amazing experience, and help us help more dogs.

71 rescue puppies

Rescue Ranch currently has 71 puppies in its care. Of these, 47 are available for fostering, or will be shortly unless they’re adopted. The number of rescue puppies is on the rise, and this winter the figures are unprecedented.

Compounding the problem is the fact that adoptions are down. We used to count on adopting out entire broods by the time they were 12 weeks old. Now, we’re lucky if half a given litter finds families before they’re four months old. What this means is that too many pups are growing up in our facilities.

The whelping sheds are continuously occupied by young families. Meanwhile, many older puppies have to be placed or moved to the yards because the new puppy sheds are also full. They’re all safe, cared for, and warm, but our limited staff of five can’t replicate the individual attention that a foster can provide. As they mature into young dogs, our charges make their way to the Adoption Center and wait for visitors to notice them. By then, they’ve spent their entire lives with us. They’ve been loved and cared for but most have never experienced a real home.


Rescue is a team sport

We’re committed to saving lives by taking in unwanted dogs, but rescue really is a team sport that works best when the entire community participates on some level. One way to help is to foster. When you do, you enrich the lives of dogs in need and help Rescue Ranch perform a valuable community service that benefits everyone.

Fostering is also personally rewarding. Helping a youngster grow into a confident, well-socialized individual is life-affirming. There’s nothing like watching them step into a bright future equipped with all the tools they need to thrive.

Rescue puppies urgently need fosters

While we occasionally place young litters with experienced fosters, our main objective is to find nurturing homes for our tweens and adolescents (4+ months) who are ready to experience life in a home.

  • It’s the perfect age for interacting, training, and learning to live in a home.
  • They’ve completed their round of puppy vaccinations
  • Many have ridden in cars and attended public events.
  • Some are leash and crate trained.
  • If over seven months, they’re spay/neutered (except for giant breeds).
  • They usually integrate well into the family.

Become A Rescue Ranch Puppy Foster!

If you’d like to help socialize rescue puppies in your home, we encourage you to visit our Foster page first, to learn more about our program. When you fill out the application, just specify that you are interested in puppies.  We’d love to have you on board! And remember, Rescue Ranch will be with you every step of the way to answer questions and address any concerns.