Dog Left Tied Up And Unattended Sadly Results In Hind Leg Amputation

This week we have a cautionary tale about the dangers of leaving a dog tied up and unattended for an extended period of time. Pepper the German shepherd (GSD) was lucky to survive after her owner made this mistake. Fortunately, she chose to bring Pepper to Rescue Ranch, and we were able to help. But the young dog had to undergo a hind leg amputation to save her life.

Hind leg amputation saves young dog’s life

Under most circumstances it’s actually illegal to tether your dog under California law, as well as some other jurisdictions. In California, there are laws against tethering to a fixed object, for example. But even if your pet is tied to a system that provides freedom of movement in appropriate conditions, it is only permitted for three hours max in any 24-hour period. We recommend no more than two hours.

Pepper’s story is a cautionary tale about how a healthy, happy young dog nearly lost her life. She only survived because a hind leg amputation was performed in time.

Pepper’s owner left her tethered to a high line, believing the dog would be safe. She was apparently under the impression that someone else on the property, not an owner, would keep an eye out. They didn’t. When she returned three days later, she found Pepper in agony, her leg tangled in the high line cable. Circulation was cut off, and the leg was black. How long had Pepper been struggling? She must have been so desperate!

To her credit, the owner contacted Rescue Ranch. We rushed Pepper to Ashland Animal Medical Hospital where she underwent surgery. Initially, she came in under the “no-interest loan” provision of Kitu’s Fund, which helps dog owners with high-cost veterinary care. She was slated to recover at the Adoption Center and then go home. Meanwhile, however, Pepper’s owner realized that she couldn’t care for her dog and surrendered her to Animal Control, who then officially transferred her to Rescue Ranch.

According to Kate at the Adoption Center, when Pepper first arrived “She was sitting in a small crate because we tried to limit her movement. She was really scared of everything.” But after about a week in recovery, she started to relax and warmed to her caregivers. The beautiful, resilient young GSD adapted quickly to her new tripod status. She’ll make some lucky adopter a wonderful companion.

Pepper survived thanks to Kitu’s Fund, which covered the $2000 bill. Now she has a chance at a great life.

Give to Kitu’s Fund to save dogs like Pepper

Kitu’s Fund covers high-cost veterinary expenses for sick or injured puppies and dogs. Costs range from several hundred to many thousands of dollars. We never know what to expect: broken bones? Parvovirus? Heartworm? Foxtail infections? Prolapsed uteri or recta? Pregnancy complications? Crush injuries? Heart defects? Without your generous donations, many dogs would suffer needlessly or die. Our special campaign has ended, but you can still give to Kitu’s Fund.