April Dog Adoption Event Leads To New Families For Some Lucky Puppies

Last Saturday, Rescue Ranch joined Sanctuary One for a dog adoption event at Red Dog Pet Supply in Jacksonville, Oregon. The day started out quiet but attendance soon ramped up and visitors came with  purpose. All told, the event was a success for both organizations: each left with several pending adoptions. Additionally, one lucky Rescue Ranch pup got the next best thing: a foster home. It was a good day!

Puppypalooza road trip to one of our favorite venues

We always say that Red Dog Pet Supply is one of our favorite dog adoption venues: it’s easily accessible, has parking, and the large green lawn provides an ample comfotable space for families to meet their next furry best friend.

When I arrived at 11 am, Rescue Ranch signage was up, the ex-pens were in place and ready to receive puppies. On this occasion, Rescue Ranch brought only puppies because we still have too many growing up in our care.

Sanctuary One brought a smaller contingent of dogs but featured adults as well as puppies, including a couple of smalls. I watched as Colleen Avery and her team finished preparations. Between us, we had a good selection for attendees to choose from, and they did.

Other participating friends

Companion Canine is run by Jacksonville-based husband and wife team Becky and Gueseppe. Both are experienced dog obedience and behavior modification professionals. With Becky under the weather, our friend Gueseppe was on his own that day, welcoming everyone with a smile, answering questions and offering practical advice.

It was a real treat to watch him work with his beautiful Dutch shepherd, Esper. They’re so amazing together!

Shalee Andrews, General Manager for Furryland Mobile Dog Grooming in the Medford area, graciously volunteered her services to help the pups “look their best and get adopted.” We couldn’t easily take pictures during grooming sessions with loose puppies behind closed doors, but Esper was happy to volunteer for a demo brushing.

 Rescue Ranch dog adoption success

Puppies in particular benefit from exposure to new situations and people. Of course, they should be reasonably well-adjusted to begin with: we don’t want to overwhelm them if they aren’t ready. It speaks to the success of the Rescue Ranch Puppy Program that all of our puppies embraced the experience, happily interacting with children, adults, and other dogs.

Full of youthful enthusiasm, some were vocal, some were escape artists, others were more composed. All were engaged, engaging, and good for the soul.

The “super zens,” like Tramp and Fiona were so incredibly laid back and relaxed, I wanted to join them in meditation.

Foster mom and Rescue Ranch adopter Bobbi Jobe, brought in Dolly, an older pup with striking black and white markings. Our spunky gal posed calmly for a photo and seemed eager to meet new friends.

By the time I left, Tramp, green-eyed  Peony, and little black-and-tan mix Dante, all had adoptions pending. Fiona went home the next day. That’s success!