Rehome: Tala

  • Name: Tala

  • Age: 6

  • Breed: Jindo

  • Location: Portland (she is currently staying with my parents) Oregon US

Meet Tala!

She is a very low-maintenance dog looking for a new home with no animals. She loves to curl up on the couch, be petted, and has very good manners when she’s hungry or needs to go out. She has no destructive home habits and is incredibly self-sufficient. When outside, she does perimeter checks in her fenced yard and chases shadows. She is goofy and a good companion for someone looking for an easy dog.

She is perfectly content living her life at home and in her yard as she’s not a dog park dog due to reactivity. The Jindo breed has a high prey drive and they are very loyal to their family.

Please contact the owner directly for more information

The dog you see above is a local owner surrender. This dog is not a Rescue Ranch dog and is not currently at the Rescue Ranch.