From #BestFriendsAnimalSociety -Dogtown to Rescue Ranch Yreka, #RescuedDogs are the best! You save their lives; but you also save your own! #AdoptDontShop #DogRescue #BestFriends #RescueRanchYreka Thank You For enriching our lives with love
After being an “only dog” in our home for the last year in a half, Bjorn (Wigglesworth), adopted another dog for companionship to share his life. We were temporarily fostering Floki (RayRay) from Rescue Ranch Yreka, when he came into our lives, when Bjorn asked for him to stay. They are best friends, and get stressed when they are apart… so decided to keep them together; forever ♥ Side note: Bjorn Wigglesworth is thriving, and spent a week at a high school in December comforting students during finals. It seems he has a knack for comforting children that need it the most. We are going to explore this more. Thank you, Best Friends Animal Society for our wonderful Master Bjorn Waldenhound Wigglesworth!