Thursday evening update. This horrible virus took another one of the puppies across the rainbow bridge late this afternoon. We know what their chances are but it was hard not to be hopeful for the little boy after three days. Each day we will keep fighting for them with treatment as they continue to have the will to live. Mom Reba is still not showing any symptoms.
Thank you everyone for your heartfelt support for the puppies. All those who have brought in, dropped off and sent potty pads your donations are greatly appreciated.
And please remind your family and friends parvo vaccinations work and they save lives. Whether you visit your vet or purchase the vaccinations and administer yourself, please vaccinate your puppies as recommended.
UPDATE on momma and her 6 puppies. We have named momma Reba. The puppies and mom Reba are warm in the wood shop at our executive directors shop. Mom is not showing any symptoms and the puppies are exhibiting different levels of effects. All are receiving medication and sub cutaneous fluids. Today John cooked up chicken and brown rice and made pate. Tonight we will see if his culinary skills entice them to eat.
Thank you for all the donations of pee pads. We are using about 100 pads a day right now so every donation counts.